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The Committee Defend Democracy in Brazil, which in 2017 first exposed* in the United States Judge Sérgio Moro’s fallacy with the Car Wash (“Lava Jato”) Operation, will now further expose the immoralities and illegalities of the same Judge Sérgio Moro and former attorney-general Rodrigo Janot, and denounce the support of Americas Society / Council on the Americas in destroying Brazil’s democracy. Please turn the page over for more information.**

The Americas Society/COA has played a key role in manipulating the judiciary and politics in Brazil and South America and now is offering a conference to further its agenda under the disguise of “Latin America’s Battle Against Corruption”, a so-called “anti-corruption crusade”. The 2017 conference at Columbia University wished to address the “effects of the Carwash Operation in Brazil current and future institutional framework”, just like today’s conference, both determining a positive outcome for the Car Wash Operation.

Well, the real effects are now clearly seen: and they are devastating. More than 24.5 million people slipped under the poverty line since the legitimate President Rousseff was ousted, as part of this Operation; the current military intervention in Rio de Janeiro is targeting the poorer, black population, for no reason whatsoever; and Lula, the front runner Brazilian presidential candidate in the 2018 elections has been convicted by Judge Sérgio Moro in one of the worst politically motivated trials to be recorded in judicial history, making use of Lawfare, and without any evidence against the defendant. These are to mention just a few, pivotal, consequences of this fake crusade.

In 2017 we already pointed out that Judge Sergio Moro’s actions have been denounced both in Brazil and around the world throughout 2016, 2017, and now in 2018. American legislators addressed the Brazilian Ambassador to the US both in 2017 & 2018 denouncing the dangers and serious consequences of his actions.

The current government in power in Brazil is illegitimate and has seized power through economic forces that members of AS/COA represent, and not through democratic means. Without a sound democratic government there is no possibility of economic stability or sustainability, and prosperity to ALL Brazilians. The illegitimate cabinet has been responsible for cuts of social programs, assault on human rights, termination of health and most needed housing programs, an unemployment rate that reached 12.7%, to mention only a few, showing no interest in real economic growth.

Whatever investment the groups represented by AS/COAS make, will be unsustainable and are contributing to increasing Human Rights violations, which are already a world scandal. History has taught us enough already.

We have attached some literature to provide a small glimpse of these scenarios, with examples to what is described above. We also included a few questions to help you further imagine what supporters of this fake anti-democratic so-called “anti-corruption battle” are really in for. We say “imagine” because no real, plausible, socially and democratically acceptable answers will come out of these questions from the speakers or moderators of this conference. Judge Sérgio Moro, Rodrigo Janot, among others, along with the AS/COA, cannot possibly represent a fight against corruption. They are corruption.

The main question to you, participant, is:
“ How would extremely corrupted people lead an anti-corruption battle? ”

Think again. Stand with what is right. Sustainable development and positive change can co-exist.

Yours truly,

Defend Democracy in Brazil